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Monday, March 23, 2009


As usual before the test was held national exams each school in the outlying regions Indonesian always held a TRY OUT. TRY OUT is conducted in each school level, including:
1. 6 grade students:
primary school,
primary school and madrasah
2. grade 3 students:
first secondary school,
madrasah Tsanawiyah
3. grade 3 students:
secondary school,
vocational secondary school,
Madrasah Aliyah
Meanwhile, my own duty in the Madrasah Tsanawiyah Affairs, which today carry TRY OUT for the last time. Because previously held TRY OUT 2 times and 2 times the results from earlier TRY OUT quite beyond a doubt. That is a lot that does not indicate in the graduate, and each class can only be calculated with the fingers on the students who graduated with a very good value.
Indeed, from year to year, the national exams are always a hot debate in both the school level itself, the level of council representatives and people who have even bring up the level to the Constitution Court, quite extraordinary. I only own the first time as students from primary school to secondary school does not have a problem such as in April, this May. In the days of my time, students expressed not pass students who are not following the national exam. Then why add complicated problem now, even now that students do not participate and that the national test could not pass. What is there behind the implementation of the scenario the national exam? indonesian people so stupid that most impressed because many students do not graduate with indonesian threshold value that each year it increases the limit value graduation?

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