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Thursday, March 26, 2009


I was not necessarily intelligent in other matters, especially on issues that seem trivial. I realize that the new, correct the first word that the sky is high the sky is still higher. which means that search alone ....., I just read a hobby, browsing the internet, television viewing, finding friends, playing playstation, apparently I was also foolish. ago why I still look stupid? probably myself that it why I can look foolish. all suggestions from the people I always follow,
BLOG ago I make the contents may be different because it is still a beginner, and in this BLOG I want to shed my regret that I have, what good that I see that directly and indirectly. And not long later I had a friend of the acquaintance of fellow BLOGGER MOJOKERTO that I invite discussion on SATURDAY or SUNDAY. Hopefully the day I just SATURDAY and SUNDAY tomorrow does not look stupid at all.

Monday, March 23, 2009


As usual before the test was held national exams each school in the outlying regions Indonesian always held a TRY OUT. TRY OUT is conducted in each school level, including:
1. 6 grade students:
primary school,
primary school and madrasah
2. grade 3 students:
first secondary school,
madrasah Tsanawiyah
3. grade 3 students:
secondary school,
vocational secondary school,
Madrasah Aliyah
Meanwhile, my own duty in the Madrasah Tsanawiyah Affairs, which today carry TRY OUT for the last time. Because previously held TRY OUT 2 times and 2 times the results from earlier TRY OUT quite beyond a doubt. That is a lot that does not indicate in the graduate, and each class can only be calculated with the fingers on the students who graduated with a very good value.
Indeed, from year to year, the national exams are always a hot debate in both the school level itself, the level of council representatives and people who have even bring up the level to the Constitution Court, quite extraordinary. I only own the first time as students from primary school to secondary school does not have a problem such as in April, this May. In the days of my time, students expressed not pass students who are not following the national exam. Then why add complicated problem now, even now that students do not participate and that the national test could not pass. What is there behind the implementation of the scenario the national exam? indonesian people so stupid that most impressed because many students do not graduate with indonesian threshold value that each year it increases the limit value graduation?

Friday, March 20, 2009


While relaxing with the family to see the television, my mother by surprise with news that shows flood victims of Lapindo mud. They were tired of living in the fight for the fate JAKARTA, but futile course. Demands on them at the Central government does not hear, from the Governor of East Java, Minister of People's welfare, the Chairman of the Board of Representatives, the President and vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. Inform that in their tired after fighting the flood victims of Lapindo mud will continue to live in Jakarta, to meet their demands. The victims survive Lapindo mud flood in Jakarta, how to become a beggar on the streets of the capital Jakarta. This is evidence that the government can not deal with social problems and they only need people during the election was held, with the promise that is not definitive. I wonder why, when the flood victims of Lapindo mud request to the government even claims, members of the board of representatives of the people republic of Indonesia as a more advanced board members are busy on the campaign outside the region? indonesian irony indeed that the people of the nation he said that understanding, even as a servent to leave the task of the state. This is one of the evidence when, there was a natural occurrence in one of the regions in Indonesia the local government can not do much and just wait for the new center of it. and from the Lapindo case, where the role of the Penanggulangan Lumpur Sidoarjo (BPLS) work? why does not accompany the BPLS Lapindo victims to Jakarta?

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Religious marriage in Islam it is necessary to avoid adultery. Both men and women must meet certain criteria, such as the women must be aged more than 17 years, while the men must be more than 22 years. Indonesian even in the area, especially local or regional madurese west jawa marriage under the age since there is not islam religion spread in indonesian. Ago how this can happen? that tradition is still very strong inherent in indonesian community, as well as about the various myths which have in each region in Indonesian. Connected with the case if the scene at this time, that is the case of marriage under the age Sheik praised the very controversial. Why is very controversial, because of this that the Sheik was a millionaire praised so that the wedding has officially become a serious problem. Sheik PUJI meshes in with the law on the protection of children who eventually praised Sheikh will enter prison. This is not fair, why do people have now officially married even arrested by the police, what at the time of marriage does not get praised Sheik's blessing Penghulu or marriage and do not get a letter from the local religious affairs office? incident like this never happen in my area, but because women are still under age (around 15 years old) married to men aged 16 years. Even when the wedding Penghulu had refused, because the women are still under age, then why not in this case there are problems with crime? what the law is only for certain people?

Monday, March 16, 2009


Earlier the day at 11:30 WIB in Mojokerto parade was held as a peaceful campaign in the beginning of starting a campaign for the election of members of legislative council / district, members of the provincial legislative council and legislative council members of the center. In the parade the day before the legislative council member candidates for the city mojokerto. Most of the prospective member legislative many old faces and show them were never developed as a potential mayor of the city mojokerto losers in the election of the mayor for several months. Indeed, in the city for a mojokerto 2 constituency, namely the selection of district and local election Prajuritkulon district tenant. Overall there are only a few seats to be in the win by each political party that followed the election, as far as one I may not have up to 20 seats. for the year 2009 only political parties that follow the campaign have 44 political parties, and every political party has candidates for the legislative members of each constituency in the Indonesian very diverse, there are 5 candidates for the legislative members who have more and more psychotic members of legislative candidates have until 15 candidates. This phenomenon shows that each political party in indonesian power will be very thirsty, not to mention their ability which is very doubtful. They only have 2 capital, which is clever orasi with promises that never materialized and have a lot of money to the voters so the voters would choose them. Truly tragic that elections are held every 5 years the cost is very large only populated by people who do not have any competence in the field.