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Friday, March 20, 2009


While relaxing with the family to see the television, my mother by surprise with news that shows flood victims of Lapindo mud. They were tired of living in the fight for the fate JAKARTA, but futile course. Demands on them at the Central government does not hear, from the Governor of East Java, Minister of People's welfare, the Chairman of the Board of Representatives, the President and vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. Inform that in their tired after fighting the flood victims of Lapindo mud will continue to live in Jakarta, to meet their demands. The victims survive Lapindo mud flood in Jakarta, how to become a beggar on the streets of the capital Jakarta. This is evidence that the government can not deal with social problems and they only need people during the election was held, with the promise that is not definitive. I wonder why, when the flood victims of Lapindo mud request to the government even claims, members of the board of representatives of the people republic of Indonesia as a more advanced board members are busy on the campaign outside the region? indonesian irony indeed that the people of the nation he said that understanding, even as a servent to leave the task of the state. This is one of the evidence when, there was a natural occurrence in one of the regions in Indonesia the local government can not do much and just wait for the new center of it. and from the Lapindo case, where the role of the Penanggulangan Lumpur Sidoarjo (BPLS) work? why does not accompany the BPLS Lapindo victims to Jakarta?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi...sorry out of topic
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Don't miss it, saturday, march 21st 2009 at izzy net