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Monday, June 22, 2009


I often think to see if the atmosphere in the Presidential election and the Vice President Republic Indonesia on 8 July 2009 will not seem appropriate expectations. My hope is that prospective candidates for President and Vice President of Indonesia Republic that recognizes one of the winners winning a Presidential election. This can be viewed on the case when the members of legislative elections April months ago, that is, there are a number of parties still want to disturb the atmosphere. Even when I predicted the future president and vice president of the Democrat party from the other pair, so my prediction is the pair Presidential candidate and vice president who will unite contest. Is clearly visible as a point of weakness of the candidates and the vice president's presidential Democrat party. because there under the leadership of President SBY, the list of voters are still a problem. And this is visible when the Governor's election in East Java Province, and the selection continues to Legislative members. If not the winner of the Democrat party is another story, I hope all the participants and the Presidential Election Vice President Republican Indonesia can engage in the adult.

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